ISVS certification
Certification of public administration information systems (ISVS) is conducted in accordance with the amendment of the Act no. 365/2000 Coll. on Public Administration Information Systems and the amendment of certain other acts, as amended by the Act no. 81/2006 Coll.
ISVS administrators demonstrate their compliance with obligations imposed by valid legislation with certification. This obligation is imposed on ministries, state authorities, administration offices and regional self-administration bodies, as well as suppliers that provide these authorities with deliveries or the operation of information systems.
EZÚ is the certification center authorized by the Czech Ministry of the Interior to conduct both certifications required by valid legislation:
- Determination of the conformity of long-term management of public administration information systems with legislative requirements
- Determination of the conformity of the ability of public administration information systems to establish links with other information systems via reference interface
Contact person

Ing. Lenka Mariánková
Product Manager