ISO 9001
The Quality Management System (QMS) enables the implementation of an efficient management system. The application of QMS is based on the following eight management principles:
- Customer orientation
- Leadership
- Involvement of people
- Process approach
- System approach to management
- Improvement
- Decision-making based on facts
- Management of relationships
If these principles are adopted, they can significantly help increase the performance of the organization and its success in the competitive environment.
Certification in accordance with the ČSN EN ISO 9001 (based on an international standard focused on QMS) is applicable in any organization, namely in all areas of production or provided services. The ČSN EN ISO 9001 standard is a standard with a consistent process orientation and application of Deming’s “PDCA” principle.
QMS certification is objective evidence through which the management of a certified organization confirms to its owners, employees, customers and other involved parties that it not only assumes responsibility for quality, but also declares fulfillment of its commitment that applied principles in behavior and approach to quality are an integral part of business. This concerns not only the quality of supplied products or provided services, but also quality at all organization levels and quality evaluated through the efficiency of activities, processes and the entire system. An integral part and prerequisite for the achievement of defined goals is the standard of human resources, equipment and infrastructure.
Today, certification in accordance with the ČSN EN ISO 9001 is essential in many fields of business. Certificates are required in business relationships, in the context of tendering procedures not only in supplier chains. Fulfillment of the requirements of the ČSN ISO 9001 standard is also the basis for other management certifications in accordance with system standards or the basis for branch/professional certifications.

- Delivery of products or provision of services to even the most demanding customers
- Opportunity to acquire new markets / customers / orders
- Ability to participate in tendering processes
- Increasing sales, profit, market share through efficiently set processes, thus increasing the satisfaction of owners
- Showing a commitment to fulfilling legislative and regulatory requirements
- Guarantee of stability of the production process or process of providing services, which results in stable and high quality products or services delivered or provided to customers
- Proving the suitability, effectiveness and efficiency of the established quality management system by an independent third party
- Improving the quality of the management system, enhancing the organizational structure of the organization
- Improving order and increasing efficiency of the entire organization
- Management tool, appropriate use of resources, cost optimization – reduction of operating costs, reduction of costs for nonconforming products, savings in raw materials, energy and other resources
- Increasing the trust of the public and state supervisory authorities
- An established self-regulating system responding flexibly to changes in customer requirements, the requirements of binding regulations and other regulations and changes within the organization (e.g. new technologies, organizational changes etc.)
- Compatibility of the quality management system with practice in EC countries
- Ensuring and improving quality awareness
- Demonstrating your approach to quality, even in communication with customers, investors,the general public, state and private institutions and other concerned parties
- Realizing your own responsibility for quality
- Improving business trustworthiness for investors, banks and insurance companies
- Savings on fines and other sanctions related to products supplied to the market or provided services
- Profile / Image / Corporate culture
- Employee motivation
- Timely recognition of quality-related problems
- More guarantees of the fulfillment of legal and other requirements
- Competitive advantages
Contact person

Petra Berková
Product Manager