ISO 14001
The Environmental Management System (EMS) enables implementation of an efficient environmentally friendly management system. The identification of environmental aspects (activities) that have an impact on the environment, their evaluation in terms of significance and then management, monitoring and continuous improvement are key requirements of the ČSN EN ISO 14001 standard.
In practice, this means managing the organization in such a way that it has a minimal environmental impact. Protection of the environment is one of today’s main tasks and EMS certification is one way to significantly help protect the environment.
Certification in accordance with the ČSN EN ISO 14001 (based on an international standard focused on EMS) is applicable in any organization, namely in all areas of production or provided services. The ČSN EN ISO 14001 standard is a standard with a consistent process orientation and application of Deming’s “PDCA” principle.
Certification of EMS is objective evidence through which the owners and management of a certified organization confirm to their owners, employees, customers and other involved parties that they not only assume responsibility for the environment, but also declare fulfillment of their commitment that applied principles in behavior and approach to the environment are an integral part of business.
Today, certification in accordance with the ČSN EN ISO 14001 is essential in many fields of business. Certificates are required in business relationships, in the context of tendering procedures not only in supplier chains. Fulfillment of the requirements of the ČSN EN ISO 14001 standard is also the basis for certain branch/professional certifications.

- Ensuring and improving care of the environment
- Demonstrating your approach to the environment, even in communication with customers, investors, the general public, state and private institutions and other concerned parties
- Realizing your own responsibility towards the environment
- Increasing the transparency of environmental impacts and their reduction, uncovering risks, nonconformity and accidents with unfavorable impacts on the environment and the operation of the organization
- Improving business trustworthiness for investors, banks and insurance companies
- Savings on fines and other sanctions related to damaging the environment
- Profile / Image / Corporate culture
- Employee motivation
- Timely recognition of problems related to the environment
- More guarantees of the fulfillment of legal and other requirements
- Competitive advantages
- Showing a commitment to fulfilling legislative and regulatory requirements concerning the environment
- An established self-regulating system responding flexibly to changes in legal and other requirements and regulations and changes within the organization (e.g. new technologies, organizational changes etc.)
- Management tool, appropriate use of resources, cost savings through consistent management and savings in material and energy inputs
Basic standards for the environmental management system are divided into:
ČSN EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with instructions for use
The ČSNS EN ISO 14001 specifies requirements for the environmental management system that organizations can use for internal application, certification or contractual purposes with suppliers and customers.
It is used in certification for independent evaluation of the organization’s ability to create and maintain procedures for identification of the environmental aspects of their activities, services and products that can be managed and on which they are expected to have some influence, the fulfillment of legal and other requirements, their own defined requirements for the efficient operation of all processes and continuous improvement of the environmental management system.
ČSN EN ISO 14004 Environmental Management Systems – General guidelines for principles, systems and support methods
The ČSN ISO 14004 includes instructions for a wider scope of the environmental management system than provided by the ČSN EN ISO 14001. It mainly focuses on the continuous improvement of performance and efficiency of the entire organization.
Contact person

Petra Berková
Product Manager